Terms and conditions:
1. The price for all five Icelandic TV episodes of The Beautiful Game Of Bridge, produced in 2023, to watch online through a paid membership at bridgetv.is, are a total of 1.990 ISK (around 14 USD.)
From the day a client signs up and confirms the method of payment, he can watch those five episodes for up to twelve months.
After that period the clients credit card will not be charged again automatically. If a client wants to watch content at bridgetv.is after those twelve months, he simply has to go through the purchasing process again.
2. Due to the nature of this product - five episodes of The Beautiful Game Of Bridge, produced in 2023 - once a client has signed up and confirmed his method of payment, no refund will be made for any reason. Once a client has signed up and confirmed the method of payment, it is up to the client whether he will or can watch those five episodes at bridgetv.is of The Beautiful Game Of Bridge, produced in 2023.
3. The producers Pétur Fjeldsted Einarsson and Björn Þorláksson or any other individuals are not liable in any way, shape or form due to any technical difficulties or any other reason resulting in poor streaming quality or a faulty or no internet connection, no matter where that fault might origin. Several hosts are used to bring the content of bridgetv.is to the client. In all cases those hosts are carefully selected based on reputation and at least several years of experience in the field of hosting domains, websites, content and so on.
4. Should differences arise due to the delivery of the content offered at bridgetv.is, the gowerning law is placed in Reykjavík, Iceland. The national law of Iceland apply to all and any of the matters in this terms and conditions consearning the content at bridgetv.is or any other differences related to content at bridgetv.is.
5. Delivery method is designed to be simple and easy for the client.
In step one a client signs up.
In step two a client confirms the method of payment.
In step three a client agrees to those terms and conditions.
In step four a client confirms his sign up.
Once a client has confirmed his sign up, an access to the video section of bridgetv.is should be granted within 24 hours. In that section a client can watch the five episodes of The Beautiful Game Of Bridge, produced in 2023.
This confirmation time may vary, due to the time it takes the credit card companies to verify the client´s method of payment.
Pétur Fjeldsted Einarsson, Björn Þorláksson or any other individuals related to the bridgetv.is website are not liable in any way, shape or form due to a delay or the fault of the verifycation of any of the credit card caompanies a client uses as his method of payment.
6. The privacy policy of bridgetv.is is designed to be simple and clear. Once a client sign up, his information provided are then stored for the purpose of signing in during the period that he pays for. A client can delete his account at bridgetv.is at any time, either during the period he pays for or after that period. The purpose of bridgetv.is is in essence to bring content to the client based on the registered information provided for the sign up process. These terms and conditions could change at any time for any reason, such as updates, a change in service and so on.
7. After a sign up, a client can watch content at the tv section of bridgetv.is.
A client can at any time delete his account at bridgetv.is.
At any time a client can send an email to bridge@bridgetv.is with any complaints, questions or suggestions he might have in relation to the service provided by bridgetv.is.
A client can not copy, stream, record or distribute any of the content provided at bridgetv.is.
A client can not provide others with their sign up information in order to grant a third party the ability to access the episodes at bridgetv.is.
For 1.990 ISK (around 14 USD) you can watch 5 episodes of the Icelandic TV series The Beautiful Game Of Bridge, made in 2023 with English subtitles, here at bridgetv.is